This site is an english language resource for the 2006 doujin STG Hellsinker.

I personally feel like there's not a lot of information on this game in english, and much of it is spread across several different sites. My aim is to collate what I find about this game, along with my own knowledge, for my own personal use. This is my favourite game, and I really like researching the odd quirks, so this is somewhere I can put what I find. That being said, if anyone ever finds this useful I would be incredibly happy!

Hellsinker is particularly known for being mechanically complex: the game is difficult to parse for a new player, with each character having a unique moveset and several gauges to watch. This gives the player many more options for avoiding damage compared to "traditional" STGs: invulnerability, shooting bullets to destroy them, slowing them down or cancelling them with your character's shield, or simply bombing or dodging. If this sounds like something you'd enjoy, the game is available on Steam.

Disclaimer for this site: I really like STGs and I like Hellsinker even more, but I'm not very good. I don't intend this to be a strategy guide, I just want this to be purely informative and mostly objective. If are a new player don't forget to check the manual, it might seem intimidating but it's very useful! If you do want a guide I'd recommend this website, but give the game (and it's own instructions) a go yourself first! I highly recommend going in blind.

Regardless, if you have any corrections, additions, suggestions, etc. feel free to contact me on Twitter @mintyasleep or email me hidden-archive (at!!) mintyasleep (dot!!) net. This is very much a work in progress so if there are things missing I'm sorry I'll get around to it!!!

2024-05-07 The site is fairly basic right now! I've decided to put it up for what I've done so far but there's a lot missing; this is something I'm working on a bit at a time. Sorry for any inconvenience, feel free to bother me as above if there's some information you really want to see.