This is a screenshot from the steam version, if the launcher looks different for you it's probably an older version of the game. Info augmentation is a feature exclusive to the BOOTH and Steam versions of Hellsinker (the CD-ROM version does not include it). The settings in this menu are not required but are small quality of life adjustments, mostly to display information more easily to the player.

Opening Info augmentation shows this menu:

Spirit:extra info shows your score in the play area on screen each time you reach a milestone of spirits. Special summary only means this graphic will only show up if you get a spirit bonus (either a NUTCRACK, FINELINE, or UNCHAIN bonus).

Kill:extra info and Token:extra info do exactly the same thing, but there are no special bonuses for kills or tokens.

Extra info:old values affects what happens if you get multiple of the same bonus of increasing quantities. Gray-out will show older Spirit/Kill/Token extra info readouts in grey.

Extra info:Draw priority affects if the score readouts mentioned about are displayed on top of or below targets.

Extra info:Draw at affects when the play area score graphics show. In playback only means they will only show during replays. This does not affect the extra info around the player (discussed below).

Extra info:Placement affects where the score milestone graphics appear on the screen. Circle will show score readouts around the player in a circle. 3 rows will make the graphics appear in lines above the character.

Fast drawing(win10 or over) according to patch notes for the steam version of the game, this option "makes Direct3d9 run faster on Windows 10 and later".

New Config Menu changes TUNING DIPSW (in game settings) to an alternate arrangement of settings with folders. Recommended to have on.

Newer Hitmark changes the appearance of the COMMON HIT SPARK (a visual effect caused by your bullets hitting targets). This can be further customised with the option in TUNING DIPSW.

Trail-effect suvdivision

window maximise(x2 and higher,pixelshader3.0 required) (pixelshader3.0 appears to have something to do with your graphics card and/or DirectX).

HD Render(@windowed)

Emphasize:Unchain Master shows a red circle around Unchain Master targets. The blue banner showing "MASTER" and red lines will display regardless.

Emphasize:Seal zone shows a blue circle where entering it will seal the target.

Emphasize:Target Life shows an orange bar instead of a small Life number on targets.

Emphasize:Included Spirit increases the size of the number showing the amount of stored spirits in targets.

Mark:Indistructive Target shows a grey dotted line around indistructable targets. They will still flash blue when hit (instead of red) regardless of this setting.

Show:Extend guage

Show:status indicator

Show:Target name shows the name of targets next to them on the play area. The name of the last target hit will still show on the left side of the screen regardless.